Des Moines, IA – May 9, 2019: The Professional Developers of Iowa (PDI) honored the Decatur County Development Corporation during the SMART Economic Development Conference held in Des Moines on May 9.
The PDI Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Awards Program recognizes the outstanding efforts of local and regional economic development initiatives in supporting growth and expansion of existing Iowa companies. Decatur County Development Corporation received the 2019 Single Project BRE Success Award. This award recognizes a single event or issue in which a community successfully mobilized to retain or expand an existing business. Consideration was given to the process of identifying the opportunity, collaboration with local, regional and/or state partners and the ability to respond quickly.
Freedom Racing Tool and Auto was established in 2010 in Lamoni and is an industry leading e-commerce business that sells new and pre-owned automotive specialty tools. The company was experiencing rapid growth going from three to 29 employees, leading them to look for locations to expand. Freedom Racing was recruited by communities in Missouri, but the Decatur County Development Corporation teamed with the Lamoni Development Corporation, Iowa Area Development Group, CIPCO, GRM Networks, Aureon, South Central Iowa Small Business Development Center, and the City of Lamoni to put together a great package to keep them home in Lamoni by helping them build and expand their facilities to meet their needs.
“Supporting Iowa’s existing industry is a key priority for PDI’s membership,” stated Kelly Halsted, PDI President. “The BRE Awards are intended to increase the focus on fostering Iowa business growth by economic development organizations and spotlight BRE programs and projects that have made a significant impact on Iowa communities.”
Founded in 1973, with current membership of over 310, PDI is an organization dedicated to advancing the professionalism of its members through a wide range of programs and services. As an association, PDI provides professional training that helps its members do a better job for their community. PDI creates an atmosphere of support and offers an instant network of seasoned experts for local professionals to seek advice and support. Learn more about PDI at www.pdiowa.com, www.facebook.com/ProfessionalDevelopersOfIowa and www.twitter.com/pdiowa . Learn more about the Decatur County Development Corporation at www.dcdciowa.org and www.facebook.com/dcdciowa.