GRM Networks Designates Funds to Start Economic Development Opportunity Fund

The Board of Directors of Grand River Mutual Telephone Corporation d/b/a GRM Networks® has designated funds, in the amount of $37,176.00, to the Decatur County Development Corporation (DCDC) for economic development. The Economic Development Opportunity Funds (EDOF) will be disbursed under the direction of the Iowa Area Development Group acting as the agent for GRM Networks®.

The contributed funds will be targeted toward qualifying projects that include activity that supports business development, community development and/or community facility assistance and be geared toward creating and/or retaining employment in Decatur County.

The monies contributed to the DCDC Economic Development Opportunity Fund are from the unclaimed patronage capital credits of former cooperative members. In accordance with Iowa law, the funds, known as escheated funds, can be used for the development of economic opportunities of the cooperative members.

For more information on the EDOF program, contact Shannon Erb, DCDC Executive Director, by phone 641-442-6511 or at the DCDC office located at 207 N Main, Leon, IA.

GRM Networks® is proud to support the continued growth of the communities it serves.

About GRM Networks®
GRM Networks® is a member owned cooperative that provides communication services to customers located within a 4,500 square mile radius that covers 44 exchanges in northern Missouri and southern Iowa. GRM Networks® is dedicated to delivering reliable, advanced communications technology while providing an exceptional customer experience. GRM Networks® is committed to promoting and investing in its local communities. LTC Networks® & SCC Networks® are subsidiaries of GRM Networks®. For more information about GRM Networks® visit
